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Byron Wall

Avid programmer and chemical engineer in Indianapolis, IN

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The recent goal has been to move as much source code over to GitHub as possible. For more recent code, I was using Git anyways, so it was simple. For older code, I was previously using Subversion with locally hosted repos. It’s been years since the server was running so the question was: how to get these repos over to GitHub? Fortunately, I keep all the original repo folders on an old drive and was able to copy them over to a newer drive for processing.

There are two ways that I ended up doing it. The second was far easier than the first:

Round 1: git svn clone and some other steps

The first approach followed the steps in this write-up. Overall, they worked as advertised. In order to get a good URL for the git svn clone step, I started up an instance of svnserve to use svn://localhost/ URL instead of file:///. The file:/// version gave an error about formats not matching. See this SO question if you want the details.

Round 2: let GitHub take care of it

The second approach was using the import feature on GitHub. In order to get this going, I needed to expose svnserve to the outside world. After repurposing for this cause, I was able to get GitHub to recognize the repo. Note that to make this work I used svn:// It did not work with http:// at the front.

This approach is much easier because it allows you to define the authors while it processes the repo instead of going through a text file.

For the cost of exposing svnserve to the outside world, this second approach was far preferred. It handled a much larger repo faster than the other method.